
Persistence and Synchronization: Friends or Foes?
Todo!(); https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.15731 Persistence and Synchronization: Friends or Foes? Emerging non-volatile memory (NVM) technologies promise memory speed byte-addressable persistent storage with a load/store interface. However, programming applications to directly manipulate NVM data is complex and error-prone. Applications generally emplo arxiv.org
Bespin Project
내가 관심있게 지켜보고 있는 프로젝트인 VMware Research의 Bespin 프로젝트. Private Repo에서 엄청나게 작업이 진행되고 있는듯하다. 아마 조만간 Top-Tier에 논문이 떡하니 등장할 듯. research.vmware.com/projects/bespin VMware Research | Bespin VMware Research Group: We bring development to the VeRGe of research, and research to the VeRGe of production research.vmware.com SUMMARY Bespin is an new operating system written from scratch with the goal to explore..